Diversity & IncluSion in Research Underpinning Prevention & Therapy Trials
Diversity & Inclusion in Scientific Research Underpinning Prevention & Therapy Trials

Community Engagement Studios
Studios will be an open dialogue about the DISRUPT Project between the research team and Community Experts. The purpose of the Studios is for Community Experts to hear about the initial plans and ideas for the DISRUPT Project, ask questions, point out potential problems, and make suggestions about the research project

Community Expert
After the last Studio, the research team will provide all Community Experts with feedback about lessons learned, and the ways that Community Experts have influenced and shaped the research plans. Findings will also be posted on this website
Participants of Community Engagement Studios are considered Community Experts. Studios will be an open dialogue about the DISRUPT Project between the research team and Community Experts. The purpose of the Studios is for Community Experts to hear about the initial plans and ideas for the DISRUPT Project, ask questions, point out potential problems, and make suggestions about the research project. Through their expertise and/or lived experience, Community Experts will help ensure that the DISRUPT Project is as effective as possible in engaging the community, giving and receiving meaningful information, and addressing cancer health equity in our catchment areas and beyond.
There will be 8-10 Studios held, beginning in Fall 2021. Each Studio will be an open dialogue that lasts approximately 2 hours. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, all Studios will be held via Zoom and will be recorded. At least two Studios will be conducted in Spanish. Community Experts will be asked to complete a survey after each Studio. Community Experts will be paid $40
Community Experts will not be asked to provide any personal health information at any point. Informed consent will be obtained verbally from all Experts to allow the research team to record and write/report about the Studio discussions.